Saturday 13 June 2015

Sainthood - Saint Anthony of Padua

Before diving into today's medieval trivia, here's an event which if you're in the South of England may be of interest to you:

Buy tickets here:

Onto some saintly-ness...Saint Anthony was born in Lisbon in 1195 and was an Austin Canon before becoming a Franciscan friar in 1220 after being impressed by the martyrdom of several friars in Morocco.

He was a great speaker and taught at several universities in addition to preaching. He eventually dedicated his life to preaching and remained in Padua until his death in 1231. He was canonised in 1232.

He is usually depicted wearing a Franciscan cowl and with bread, flame, heart, lily, book, and Jesus as a baby. He is invoked for finding lost things and women looking for husbands. He protects orphans, prisoners, shipwrecked persons, pregnant women, sterile women, sick children, glaziers and conscripts.


Image: "St Athony of Padua", by Benozzo Gozzoli, mid-fifteenth century, in Santa Maria d'Aracoeli Gallery, Rome, Italy

Giorgi, R. Saints, A year in faith and art (New York, Abrams: 2005) p. 352

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